Shopping can be even more rewarding when you know your purchase also goes to a charitable cause. For every purchase you make by linking to the business through our Shop for a Cause Campaign, you will help Bolden School PTA raise funds for our programs, as the cooperating businesses give a percentage back to us from your sale.
Here is an ultimate guide to easy and painless ways to support our school. Bookmark and share these links with friends and family!
Bolden School participates in the Amazon Smile program where we earn 0.05% of all purchases that are made when people are logged into the Amazon Smile version of Amazon and designate Bolden PTA as their charity. Click here to start giving through your online purchases today.
After you log on to You may also be asked to select your charity if you haven't already. If you're prompted for a charity, just type Bolden PTA, Maplewood and select the entry at/near the top that's titled "18535 Jefferson PTA". After that, you can shop as usual and complete your purchase and 0.05% goes to the PTA. Unfortunately, these programs are not available through the mobile versions of the Amazon app. Support Bolden School with every purchase you make at Amazon.
Thanks for making your purchases count toward something good, and we plan to expand this list. Happy Shopping!
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